Zhan (Sam) Shi


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About Me

Hello, I am Sam Shi, 施展. I’m a current MSE in Data Science student at the University of Pennsylvania. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Wake Forest University majoring in Mathematical Business and Computer Science. I’ve interned in Data @Bloomberg, Consulting @Deloitte and @Ipsos. You can contact me via:

  1. Email: samzshi@sina.com
  2. Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/zhanshisamuel

Education Background

Individual Projects

  1. Dec. 2023, A Machine Learning Approach for US Mortgage Risk Analysis: An independent study advised by Brandon Krakowsky, serving as a practicum at UPenn, introducing a new machine learning methodology to improve mortgage default risk analysis. For more details, visit Project Website.
  2. HanziNLP, Python Package: An user-friendly and easy-to-use Natural Language Processing package specifically designed for Chinese text analysis, modeling, and visualization. All functions in HanziNLP support Chinese text and work well for Chinese text. For more details, visit Project Website. Download Stats: Downloads
  3. Stock Analysis Dashboard: A simple stock analysis dashboard that supports common technical analysis, correlation analysis, and time series modeling. The dashboard is solely designed for entertainment and educational purposes. For more details, visit Project Website.
  4. May. 2023, Stock Price Prediction via Ensemble Learning and Sentiment Analysis: The final project for class CIS 5190, Applied Machine Learning, at University of Pennsylvania. It proposes the schema of stock prediction using stacking with introduction of sentiment scores for news headlines. This appraoch outperformed all existing models that time on Kaggle regarding the related evaluation metrics. Feel free to read the report: Project Report.pdf


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